December 2024

Emmanuel (Love)

The birth of the Christ Child was the Father’s gift of love to the world. Through our salvation we get to experience that love and are privileged to bless others through acts of charity. We get to give!  

Emmanuel (Joy)

The Christmas story is full of joy from the angels to the shepherds to Mary. When Mary was pregnant with Jesus, she joyfully proclaimed, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior…” What was such a great cause for joy that even Jesus knew it in his life?

Emmanuel (Hope)

Christian hope is not a wishful optimism that life will get better. Such hope will ebb and flow with emotions and our circumstances in life. Instead, Christian hope is waiting with certainty for the promised Second Advent (Coming) of Christ when we will be resurrected from the dead and glorified in Christ—fully perfected in God’s […]

Emmanuel (Peace)

Have you ever put together a present and found out you were missing a vital piece? The present feels incomplete until you get the missing piece. That experience relates to the story of Jesus’ birth and the shepherds on Christmas night. What do they have in common that is so important for every person to […]