October 2024
Genesis 4 (Downward Spiral)
Adam and Eve’s sons grow, and the story takes a downward spiral. Is all lost or is there a ray of hope in the end? How is this story relevant to us today?
Noah & the Flood (Genesis 5-9)
Evil…Flood…Noah…Ark… Jesus??? How does Jesus fit into this story, and how is the Flood story one of the most important stories in the Bible? The answers might surprise you and give new life to reading stories in the Bible.
September 2024
Which Tree Are You?
Two trees in the Garden of Eden tell a tale of two choices that bear different fruit. It is a tale that we all know well. What does each tree mean and where does Jesus fit into the conversation? Which tree are you?
Genesis 2 (Paradise)
God’s Paradise was the result of His intentional and intelligent design. That includes YOU!!! What do you need to know from God’s Paradise story that can change your life?
Genesis 2 (Rest)
“By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” (Genesis 2:2) What does it mean for God to choose to rest on the 7th Day of creation? What does His rest reveal about what He desires for our lives and […]
Back to the Beginning (Genesis 1)
“And God saw all that He had made and it was very good.” Gen 1:31 Could the story of creation in Genesis 1 & 2 be telling us more than the order of creation? Plus, if the Bible Story is pointing to Jesus, where is He in the Creation story? What question should we ask […]
August 2024
Ezra (part 2 of 2)
Ezra 7-10 Passion without the right heart can be painful. So, what kind of heart do you need? Let’s see what the second half of the Book of Ezra can teach us about passion and honoring God.
The Book of Ezra (part 1 of 2)
Life is going well, and someone throws a wrench into it because they are being selfish. What does the Book of Ezra teach us about that kind of experience? How can this book help us?
July 2024
Book of Jonah
A short story full of irony with surprises at every turn. This story is about way more than just a man and a whale. 🐋 Let’s learn how to read the Book of Jonah for all its worth and discover a great gift from God that challenges our love for others.
The Wisdom of James
What you do and say over time reveals the real you. What are you known for? What does God want you to be known for? What might that look like? Let’s explore how wisdom within the Book of James can help us answer those questions.